Friday, September 18, 2009

Shakespeare Language

A beautiful day it was on the coast in thy beautiful cassock. Wonderful coffin was falling upon thy tongue and a cade of whiskey was greeting thy lips when a retched guilder came into thy view. Galling thy was at thy fact the Dutch would ever step foot on thy land. Walking away in anger, thy plant happened to fall upon a nail. I plurred on the ground and screamed in pain.

Thou disembling rude-growing devil-mon!
I think it is saying that you are a person that is getting meaner.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Quotes to Think About

When Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "We boil at different degrees," many things can be brought out from this. In my opinion, he is trying to say that all people get mad at different rates. Some people may get mad at the fact you look at them the wrong way(a low boiling point), and some people may finally get mad after someone hits them 25 times(a high boiling point). Everyone is different in the way they get mad. Some may curse and threaten, others may just walk away. Nonetheless, everyone boils once their limit is reached.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

I honestly don't remember what class I was in 8 years ago today. All i can remember is that the teacher turned on the television and ever single channel was covering the attacks on the twin towers. The weeks following the attacks, people where discussing if another attack was going to take place and what we were going to do about it.
I think that 20 years from now, people will still remember 9/11. The fact that terrorists hijacked planes just to kill so many Americans will live on in everyone's lives.
Terrorists choose to attack America, in my opinion, because the United States is helping the government in Iraq. The terrorists were mad that the U.S. was there and took retaliation.
I do not know anyone that was directed affected by this event so i will never know how they truly feel about it.
If I were to right a story on 9/11, I would write the story in a miraculos survivors point of view. Someone who somehow lives when there is not chance of survival is very amazing and I think many people would want to read it. It would include the time when the attacks happen and what he has to go through to survive.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Friendship Bellringer

Friendship and personal beliefs always seem to conflict each other. Personal, I believe that your on beliefs and values are more important that friendships. When a major event happens and the dust settles, will your friends that say they will always be there for you be there? Will they be by your side when something tragic happens? Don't get me wrong, friendships are a great thing to have, but the one person that is always going to be there in a tough situation is you. You must stand up for yourself and do what you think is the right thing even if no one else thinks so.