1. Visit Fenway Park and watch the Red Sox beat the Yankees.
2. Visit Australia and see the kangaroos.
3. Blow up a house.
4. Visit the president of the U.S.A.
5. Get awards in 2 different sports in high school.
6. Go sky diving.
7. Go on a safari and see tigers.
8. Pet a gorilla.
9. Break a school record in baseball.
10. Live in the house I live in now when I am older.
11. Graduate from a D-1 college.
12. Go to the Egyptian pyramids.
13. See the Aztec Ruins.
14. Find out if aliens are real.
15. Go to every state and eat something.
16. Drive on the autobahn.
17. Be in a movie.
18. Learn how to snowboard.
19. Get an autograph from 3 famous pitchers.
20. Go to the 10 largest cities in the world.
21. Eat Chinese food in China.
22. See sumo wrestlers in real life.
23. Discover something new.
24. Go to the Eifle Tower.
25. White water raft.
26. Go bungee jumping.
27. Shake hands with a celebrity.
28. Be valedictorian.
29. Play a sport at a college.
30. Own a beach house.
31. Ride the dolphins.
32. Have a pet parrot.
33. Teach a dog to do stuff for itself.
34. Launch a squirrel over a lake.
35. Catch a swordfish.
36. See a whale.
37. Go to Stonehenge.
38. Visit the Grand Canyon.
39. Go to Singapore.
40. Go to Ireland and see the equinox place.
41. Ride the world's biggest roller coaster.
42. Throw a rock into every ocean.
43. Chase a penguin in Antartica.
44. Climb a mountain.
45. Go hand gliding.
46. Do dynamite blasting.
47. Be a guest on a T.V. show.
48. Run into a music star on the street.
49. Go to 20 concerts.
50. Ride on top of a crowd.
51. Win a huge random drawing event.
52. Own 3 vehicles.
53. Ride in a lambourgine.
54. Learn to do a handstand.
55. Beat my dad in a wrestling match.
56. See the worlds tallest, shortest, biggest, and fastest man.
57. Play ping-pong with a midget.
58. Learn to play golf.
59. Do something that people would remember me for.
60. Break a Guiness World Record.
Lesson Learned
15 years ago
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